Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Fat Nation

The other day I went to a restaurant just outside my town. I kept thinking - something feels strange about this place. . . I thought, "Is it that I am in unfamiliar territory?"
Couldn't put my finger on it. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks (no pun intended)
Almost EVERY single person was overweight. Most were obese.

There were 2 (counted 'em) only 2 people who were not overweight and they were at the bar smoking and drinking . . . a lot.

I felt like I was in the twilight zone. Then I came across this CNN link (an obesity map tracing obesity over time in the USA)

Thank you to Radical Catholic Mom for finding and posting this. Wow - what an eye opener.

There is an interesting comment on her post, too. BUT! I think if we really just look around we can see how "unhealthy" our lifestyles have become in general (fast food, lack of vigorous exercise, pre-scribed drugs that have horrible side effects, chemicals -- don't get me started!)

Here is link to some Childhood Obesity Facts & Stats just in case you are interested.
I teach P.E. so this was right up my alley!

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